Tasty Food Diet

I'm on a fitness and weightloss mission, while looking for the best take-away food around.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Still Made Progress During Diet Slump

I got back on the scale this morning, after a "break" which included ice cream, (fried) Thai food, and eating out of the refridgerator without weighing food. I weighed 88.0 kg, which is pretty much my lowest weight so far. If I keep up the workouts and the healthy food, I know I'll make my 75kg goal at the end of the summer.

I missed Celeb Fit Club this week, but it'll be on the weekend sometime, and I'll just Tivo it. I'm starting to have some doubts about the show. Weightloss isn't easy, especially at Gary Busey's age. I think the first week showed these guys losing like 10 lbs. These people are probably dehydrating themselves for the weigh in, or they started with heavy clothes or lead weights for the 1st weigh-in. I'm doing massive workouts almost daily, counting calories, and my weight may improve by 1-2 lbs a week, if everything goes right. I am improving strength, cardio, and body fat % though. It wouldn't suprise me if those shows are fixed. Bring back the congressional hearings on quiz shows.


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