Tasty Food Diet

I'm on a fitness and weightloss mission, while looking for the best take-away food around.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Weren't We The Liberators?

First mentioned in Fast Food Nation, the placement of a McDonald's less than a kilometer from the Dachau concentration camp memorial and museum, is the epitome of bad taste. Who's to blame? Some enterprising Bavarian who pettitioned for the franchise, or the souless corporation that granted it? A gold mine located next to a concentration camp, Dachau receives about a million visitors per year (1). According to Morgan Spurlock in Don't Eat This Book (based on his movie Super-Size Me), visitors to the camp found flyers on their windshields reading "Welcome to Dachau. Welcome to McDonald's."

Someone should respond to that by spray-painting above the entrance to McDonalds, "Arbeit Macht Frittes".

Spurlock does a good job of analyzing what we all suspect. While we're exporting our American "culture" to the world, we're also exporting our obesity epidemic. I liked it when our top export was Mickey Mouse. Oh well, give the people what they want. Homogenize Me.

Don't Eat This Book is in the vein of Fast Food Nation, although Schlosser focuses on the non-health related costs of our beloved cheap meals, while Spurlock focuses on the way we could and should all live better through concepts like slow food. He compares the way we used to live (eat) vs. our current unhealthy trends. The differences are astonishing. He believes in what he's writes, and lives healthy with his fiancee Alex Jamieson, who, as we learned from the movie, is a vegan chef.


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