Tasty Food Diet

I'm on a fitness and weightloss mission, while looking for the best take-away food around.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

New Low Body Fat % Today

My evening weigh-in just hit 25.5% BF, a new low for this program. I still need to lose 10kg of fat, and bring my BF to around 18%, but I'm getting there. I'll head to the gym pretty soon, after answering some e-mail.


At 8:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like you and I have a similar mindset when it comes to eating. I don't know what to call myself. I'm trying to eat as healthy as I can to lose weight, but am obsessed with the process. I've not gotten to the point where I'm weighing each gram of food yet; I'm still eyeballing things I know for certain I'm not going to underestimate the caloric value of, but it's not a bad idea. I've joined a pro-ana group for instant inspiration/motivation. When I'm hungry and/or want to eat more than I should or what I shouldn't eat at all, I read or blog instead.

Being that ana is usually associated with young girls/women, do you think your gender could be part of the reason you're feeling resistance to your posts? I'm sure once height and gender (gender referring to different muscle mass stats) are taken into consideration, your diet plan isn't much less extreme that a lot of us that are on caloric limits that are much less. This isn't to say either's limits are any more or less strict (not referring to the most extreme examples, of course), just on a different physiological playing field.

At 12:03 AM, Blogger stephenhow said...

We all share an obsession about the process of food, body, and weight; I wouldn't say it's unheathy. It's just a goal-driven thing. I just think it's very hard to lose weight in modern America, because the available food is junky, and you really need to change your whole perspective (relative to this whole country) to eat right (think 100 years ago).

So, we just have different approaches to this very hard problem. Oh yeah, and young girls have the added foolish social pressures, which makes it 10x harder. On the other hand, the cattiness that goes around in high school has no significance in their adult lives. It's just sound and fury.

Yes, I'm extreme, but not in restriction or fasting. I can't do that. But I can see how people would naturally think it works. But the problem is it just ends up resulting in binges on uber-crap I'd never touch. But it takes a lot of experience to end up with a patient attitude. And a very deliberate effort to avoid the junk food in a teenage life.

At 4:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't want to think 100 years ago when it comes to foods we should be eating. Lard, cream, butter, and bread were major stapels in the Victorian/Edwardian diet. Gout and corpulence were prevelant in upper class society, ricketts and malnutrition in lower class.

If you want to point out a diet that's ideal to homo sapiens you'd have to go back about 20,000 years. Hunter/gatherers were eating what people should be eating; unprocessed, whole foods. A balance of fruit, vegetable, lean meat, nuts, and whole grains. Refined flours and dairy products were unheard of.

Cro-magnon man had an average height that came very near to what's considered average today. It wasn't until refined flour became a staple in mass society's diet that people became smaller. Much, much smaller. Those diminutive suits of armour you see in museums weren't due to man's incomplete evolution into a larger being. The were tiny due to malnutrition. This was also due to the fact that clean water sources were exceptionally rare. Fermented beverages (think wine, small beer, and ales) were in the majority of what was drunk. And then there's dairy. Human beings are the only species on our planet that seek out breast milk after infancy.... and it's not even breast milk from our own species. Cow's milk is meant to nourish an animal that needs to grow from near 100lbs to near 1000lbs in a little under a year. Granted, this is cow's milk in it's raw state; which Americans don't ingest. I guess what I'm getting at is that our battle with "junk food" has been going on for several centuries.

I do understand what you're getting at though. Hyper processed foods = very very bad. And those types of foods, both in their cost and accessibility, have overrun our communities.

And now I'll step down off the soap box. Lol.

At 8:15 AM, Blogger stephenhow said...

Yes, the whole debate about what man should naturally be eating has always confused me. I've met a guy who only ate uncooked things. He definitely looked very healthy. However, homo sapien sapien is like, what, 100,000 years old? But agriculture is 10,000 years old? It's very confusing. I should look up to see what the scientific consensus is on the matter.

At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me know what you find! I'm a nutritional triva junkie and always interested in the latest research findings. Thanks in advance.


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