Tasty Food Diet

I'm on a fitness and weightloss mission, while looking for the best take-away food around.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Just Watching the Pro-Ana Blogs

I'm reading a lot of posts at 140_or_over and I really want to reach out with some dieting tips, but I know I shouldn't interfere. I can only guess what they're feeling, and I'd probably be wrong. I remember the anxiety involved in returning to school in the Fall. And I was never overweight.

Look at some of these meal plans. When I first saw it, I thought I was looking at a day's plan. Then I looked closer, and it was a week's plan. I eat more in one sitting than they do for the whole day. And I consider myself to be undereating. But I don't even want to post anything, because it's not my place. Even though my blog is similar (every post about food, weight, workout, obsession) I'm obviously on a different planet. Well, the whole country has a problem with food and weight, and media images, so why should we criticize these girls?

Whatever. I think I'll have a banana this morning as well as the eggs and sausage I've already had. I matched my lowest 86.8 kg weight this morning, but I also moved the BF percentage down a point as well.


At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah...sorry but I'm in that community and you have NO IDEA what it's like to be ana, 'cuz you're not. Plus, you say you were "never overwieght" most of the girls in the comm. aren't overweight...they are either normal or under, like me. I'm 137 and 5'8, that's at least normal or a little under. But, I can't eat anything at all until I reach 120. No offense, but you just have no idea...so good job not posting comments, a lot of people would prob get mad. :)

At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your BMI is over 25, then you are overweight. Based on your orig/current/goal stats, I can see that you have a BMI over 25.

At 1:03 PM, Blogger stephenhow said...

I'm definitely fat now. But I was never overweight at school. I've also been obese, when I was at 106kg (BMI > 30).

Sorry if I called anyone overweight. I don't have any problem calling myself 'fat', but on the other hand, I won't go out with friends, or even see family while I'm fat. I'm embarassed about my weight, but I know I'll get it down close to ideal in another 2 months.

At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anorexia or ed-nos is very hard for me basically becasue i get most of it from my peers, and fam, but yea i'm 134 5'1 and i'm close to being a healthy weight, just 3 more puinds, but i won't eat until i wegih around 90 pounds no matter what....

At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

anorexia or ed-nos is very hard for me basically becasue i get most of it from my peers, and fam, but yea i'm 134 5'1 and i'm close to being a healthy weight, just 3 more puinds, but i won't eat until i wegih around 90 pounds no matter what....

At 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I post at that community. I just have to give you props that you posted this in your blog, not our community. It really showed a great deal of respect even if you don't agree with/understand what we do.

I wish you very good luck with your choice of regime and I really hope it works out for you as it seems to. If I had the choice I'd lose weight the healthy way, but I don't have the choice, I can only do it this way. An eating disorder isn't just a way to lose weight, it's an illness where body issues, depression, control issues and self injury all come together in an almost indeciferable quandary.

If you'd like to discuss this, you can e-mail me or comment in my journal, as long as you're respectful, which it seems you are.



At 4:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't get it in your head that you can 'save' someone from their ED.

At 8:28 AM, Blogger stephenhow said...

Mercedes, I'm starting to see the issues involved with ana; I also have irrational compulsions that I just have to do. (I can obsessively get involved in projects that become the most important thing in the world. I have to get them done, damn the cost to sleep, health, time. Then, after a while, I move on to something else, and I forget all about the original project. I guess it's a type of mania. I'm not proud of it.)

No, I don't want to change anybody, except myself. I'm blogging for myself, not for anyone else. Although I was pretty happy to find out that other people can get as obsesssed about food and weight as I am. I had no idea about these groups until last month when I searched for info on daily caloric intake of concentration camp inmates, and ran into the Fat Like Me website (pro-ed).


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