Tasty Food Diet

I'm on a fitness and weightloss mission, while looking for the best take-away food around.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Diet Blowup

Yesterday, I thought I blew up my plan when I ate a huge bunch of Tostitos tortilla chips (the bottom of the bag). I didn't weigh it, but I estimate it to be about 450 calories. Actually, I'd consider this amount to be reasonable before I started my plan, but yesterday I thought I was in trouble of falling off the wagon. I went to the gym, and worked out hard on the stairmaster and lifecycle for 90 min, and did strength training. Leaving the gym, I was pretty close to getting a burrito at the drive-thru, but I made it home and made dinner myself. Lately, I've been eating 1000+ calories at night, but the chips must have had some value earlier, because I only ate 820 calories for dinner and dessert.

This morning's weigh-in was good, I'm down to 88.0kg, which is less than the last 3 days weights. That helps with the confidence that I'll make my ultimate goal. Last night, I jumped into the spinning class for a climb and a series of sprints, and realised that I should probably start doing these types of workouts.


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