Tasty Food Diet

I'm on a fitness and weightloss mission, while looking for the best take-away food around.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Another Graveyard Poker Session

It's late. It's early. Workouts again in a few hours. I went to 24 Hour Fitness after work, and did 50 min Stairmaster and strength training, before heading off to The Village Club to play no-limit. I was going to play at Barona, but Anna called to say she was off that night, so I went to Chula Vista instead.

I played about 8 hours, and ended up +$196 USD. I almost busted out, but made Aces full of 9's on the river on a $450 pot. I was in the big blind with A9o, and the flop was AA2. The little blind checks to me, I bet $20, the guy on my immediate left calls, everyone else folds but the little blind, who calls. Everyone is wondering what's going on, with such a dangerous board. The turn is a King, little blind checks to me, I make it $40, guy on my left calls, and the little blind raises to $80, we both call. Now the pot is about $330. I'm afraid I don't have the best hand, but I'm committed now. I just pray the little blind has Ax, i.e., has no kicker. Or, a high card comes on the river, and neutralises his kicker. Miraoulously. I river is a 9, which gives me the 2nd best hand possible (I can only lose to AK). The little blind bets me all in for about $60, we both call. I turn over the best hand. The pot is over $450, and I'm now up about $250. Turns out the little blind had 22, and flopped a full house. Woohoo. Another hour passes, and I bleed of $50, and finally head back home. Now to get some sleep before Outdoor Fitness Camp in a few hours.

I probably left the only winner at the table. Since about $120/hour is taken off the table due to the $4/hand drop, and about $1/hand toke, probabaly $1000 USD came off the game in the 8 hours I played. Gotta love the house edge. The rake is always the biggest winner.


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