The Day After

The Outdoor Fitness Camps trainers woke up early the day after Thanksgiving, and treated us all to a free, burn-the-cake-off day after workout. I'm messing around with a boxing glove. I can't recommend Camp enough. It's inexpensive, social, and effective. No corporate middlemen. Just you and Randy or Jason keeping it real.
Went to the Village Club after the workout. I bought a tamale and banana from Sunny's Market, then played Pai-Gow, $3/$6 Hold'Em, and $3/$6 Omaha8. I didn't stay long, since I figured I could pay for the family dinner with the profits, or dump it all back.
Oh I would love a workout like that - sociable, outdoorsy and -umm- grassrootleveltypeofeffective. Those people will save the world, or at least give their five cents for the common good.
Thanks for capturing how much further I have to go.
Yeah, notice how I carefully chose the pictures I post of myself. From now on, subjects chose which pix go up.
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