Tasty Food Diet

I'm on a fitness and weightloss mission, while looking for the best take-away food around.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Torrey Pines Run @ 78.4 kg

After chatting with John at 2am, and watching him play a few online sit-n-go tournaments, I got some sleep, and got up tired, but determined not to waste the entire day. I was motivated enough to drive to the Torrey Pines state park by the beach, to try my new camera. <-- That's a still.

I like running up the big hill outside of the state park (2.5km?) with the bicycles. I had the idea of filming myself passing the bikers, but the best I could do was to keep close for a bit. Here's a video of me trying to keep up with a bicycle.


At 1:46 AM, Blogger Cat said...

good video, did you know the biker or is everyone just so friendly that you all encourage eachother to keep going?

Oh, and is the 2.5km run all hill, i just need to know how crazy you really are :)

At 9:58 AM, Blogger stephenhow said...

Hi Cat. No, there's just a lot of bikers out on Sunday morning, and as they pass me up the hill, I see if I can keep up with them. Yes, everyone enjoys the little push. It's all friendly. It's us against the motorists.


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