Discovering Hillcrest

I talked with a girl from spinning class after the workout, and we shared complements about being fit, losing weight, etc. I saw this girl on Tuesday do two consecutive 60 minute step classes. Any two cardio classes in a row seems excessive, even to me. She was interested in how I lost my weight, making sure I wasn't starving myself or anything. I reassured her that I binged frequently, and we made a friendship.
She recommended I try the St. Tropez cafe down the street from the gym. I decided I'd go out and check it out, since I've really only eaten at about 5 places over the last few years. (Saffron, Tacos El Gordo, The Brother's Deli, Whole Foods.) Hillcrest is a beautiful neighbourhood, about as city-like as you'll in San Diego.
I picked up a proscuito panino at St. Tropez. It was nice walking along a city street, and I talked to a few people as I checked out the shops. Some guy started calling my name from about 50 metres away, as he was standing in the doorway of a bar. I looked around the first few times, but assumed he was talking to someone else. Then he called me again, looking at me. I walked over there, and he looked like he knew me or expected me. But, as we talked a little, I think he picked up that I was straight, and he starting making an apology about a mistaken identity. I was confused, but he wasn't. Must be some protocol I don't understand.
On my way back to the car, I stepped into the candy shop by the gym. I talked with the shopgirl a little about the Wonka Bar I bought, and it ended up being a long conversation about good movies, old movies, and Hollywood history. It turns out we both have nostalgia for a time we never experienced, that was closer to our parents time. I often talk to my mom about movies from the 40's. She really likes movies that are family dramas, like How Green Was My Valley or Mildred Pierce. My mom especially remembers the role of Veda, and the actress that played her, Ann Bylth, because they're about the same age. I know she's has always had something against the rich girl characters in the movies, and Veda's eventual comeuppance reaffirmed her sense of cosmic justice. What would we do without AMC?
We all know how you discovered Hillcrest. At the age of 17, through a business door with no business sign.
Geez, I guess this post left me wide open for this kind of comment. And please, no jokes about me wide open.
that's it, you're the 3rd diet blogger with pictures of delicious food and deserts right smack in the middle of the page. no more reading tonight, otherwise i'll eat my mouse.
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