Where Are My Instant Results?

I limited myself to 2000 healthy calories yesterday, did a hard turn at spinning, and I'm not really any lighter this morning. Argh. Well, the body fat reading hit 20.0%, which is lower than yesterday, so if I don't lose it today, I should get a weigh-in 0.2kg lighter tomorrow morning. Or, maybe by Sunday, I'll hit 76.4 kg again. Ok, that's my goal.
This is breakfast, two scrambled eggs, and a cracker with humus. I'm a little hungry, but I'll have about 1000 calories before dinner today. I'll probably have a few drinks tonight, which won't really help me hit my Sunday goal. Maybe I'll do a strength session at lunch today.
I talked to Ryan the spinning instructor after class last night (again). We're always the last two out of the room. It's scary how much I have in common with these gay guys. We talked about the Biggest Loser: Special Edition, down to the interpretations of reaction shots, TiVo freeze frames from next week's previews, the difference between the trainer's (Jillian and Bob) styles and results, and Kathy Griffin. He's probably thinking my straight act isn't holding up so well. What can I say, I like celebrity gossip and showtunes. But I've also watched World War II a couple of times by now on the History Channel. So there.
maybe you are one of the elusive straight gay guys, i think its a nice balance. all the fun gay stuff but enough sport interest to maintain the straight vibe ;) ps. your hummus looks a little funky -in a good way-, if you make it yourself whatever do you put in it?
I bought the humus from Whole Foods. I think it had cilantro in it or something. It tastes really good.
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