I'm watching a bunch of weightloss shows on the Discovery Channel, and there's a bunch of Kellogg's Special-K commercials telling people they can lose 6 lbs in two weeks by replacing two meals a day with a bowl of Special-K cereal. They don't tell you about
the details which includes changing your lifestyle, eating fruits and vegetables, and exercising. In their study, they tell you that participants ate an average of 575 calories/day less (27% less). Without exercise, this would amount to only (14 days * 575 calories/day) / (3500 cal/lb-of-fat) = 2.3 lbs of fat lost in two weeks. So these people must have exercised another 3.7 lbs off, requiring (3.7 lbs)(3500 cal/lb-of-fat) / 14 days = 925 calories of exercise per day. That's about 2 hours of exercise each day. Personally, I couldn't lose 6 lbs in two weeks without resorting to starvation. Maybe I could have when I was really overweight, but not now.
Oh, and the average weight loss was only 5 lbs. I guess someone lost 6 lbs; that was "up to" person.
So the Kellogg's Special-K Challenge is really simple -- calorie restriction, intense exercise, instant lifestyle change, and disappointing results. Congratulations, you've been sold out for a box of cereal.
here the recommended serving of any cereal is 30g with 125ml of half fat milk (1.5%) im not sure about you but 30g of special k is especially krap at filling a tum. Now their all bran with extra fibre (cardboard twigs). 30g of that with 10g of raisins and the stomach is full and happy for a few hours.
Does anyone actually eat special k? Do you eat special k? hmmm...
I usually eat about 40g of cereal with about 60g of full-fat milk. I don't like the milk left after the cereal is gone.
Advertising works, and Special-K has a very high brand recognition here. They advertise a lot, especially towards women. Their brand has a high degree of association with weightloss, even though people couldn't tell you exactly how it accomplishes that. But they've seen the commercials. I'm sure they sell a lot of cereal.
Me, I buy muselix in bulk. It's got a lot of fibre and fruit, and it's the cheapest, freshest stuff out there.
I'm just going to sell magic weightloss dust that you sprinkle over food. It'll also be magically delicious.
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