Tasty Food Diet

I'm on a fitness and weightloss mission, while looking for the best take-away food around.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Sitting Down To Watch Super-Size Me

I guess I'll "live" blog while I'm watching.

+23 min -- Morgan orders a super-size double-cheeseburger meal. Those fries are huge (about 600 calories), and the sandwich has about 850 calories. The insane drink probably has another 600 calories. So this is about 2000 calories. He makes a big deal about how hard it is to eat all the food. They elapse 22 minutes with him in the car. I don't know about you, but I could finish that off in a few minutes. Then I'd want something more. Geez, he just vomited it up.

+34 min -- More good documentary stuff on the increasing obesity in children. Interviews with a 16 and 14 year old girl who is heavy. She tells the camera she can't afford to eat Subway (like Jared Fogel, who's also in the segment) twice a day. She says she's tried "other ways" to lose weight, that didn't work, and weren't healthy. Now I know what she's talking about. I also have more sympathy for what kids go through these days in our current fast food envirnoment. People need to cook more.

+41 min -- Morgan describes how just after he eats some McDonald's, he wants more. "More, more, more." Exactly. That's how it works.

+42 min -- Introduces the "Big Mac" guy, Don Gorske, who eats about 2 Big Macs every day.

+56 min -- In the section on nutrition in school cafeterias, they show two typical schools that serve fast-food style lunches, heavy on candy and fries and the like. The 3rd school is for at-risk kids, but they utilize a healthy, fresh, whole-grain menu, and have removed the junk food from campus. The school is a success in helping out these "problem" kids, who apparently respond very well to this concept.

+75 min -- Introduces Bruce Howlett, a patient about to undergo gastric bypass surgery, the elective operation of choice recently. This guy drinks 8 litres of soda a day. Sounds like he only drinks sodas. (I drink about 2 litres of diet soda a day, but I also drink about 2 litres of water as well.)

+79 min -- A little over-the-top exaggeration by Morgan. Complains of chest pains, trying to make it dramatic, and to re-introduce the doctors. You're not going to instantly die from fast food. You will get depressed tho.


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