Tasty Food Diet

I'm on a fitness and weightloss mission, while looking for the best take-away food around.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Dumped Some Money

In the last 4 poker sessions of the weekend, I lost about $190, bringing the trip total to a reasonable +$260 net. Not bad for a vacation. I went shopping at Whole Foods tonight, and now my wallet has almost exactly the same amount as it did on Wednesday afternoon. I only used my credit card for gas, and paid cash for everything else.

I got a bout of food poisoning from eating old food out of my friends refrigerator. I found some almonds, that I assumed were ok. He said they're probably from the spring, and I should have checked before eating anything. I guess we all have some very old stuff in the fridge, that is known to be toxic by the owner, who is just too lazy to throw it out. So I'll probably make a low weigh-in tomorrow morning.


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