Tasty Food Diet

I'm on a fitness and weightloss mission, while looking for the best take-away food around.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Binge Weekend

Yesterday, I ate an entire medium pizza in about 5 minutes watching football. I also ate two tamales that morning, and 2 chicken thighs later on. I sat around and bet/watched football all day, and played a bunch of poker. Sorry, but it's the truth. Fortunately, my lock of the week came through (by 1/2 a point), so I wasn't on total binge & tilt. I also won a little playing poker.

I was pretty tired and listeless on Saturday. Sure, I was up late Friday night, but I really think it's the winter that slows me down. I really don't like the dryness.

The picture is from a party Alex from the Bambu Bistro threw for friends, locals, and customers on Saturday night.

I won't be weighing in for at least a week.


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