Tasty Food Diet

I'm on a fitness and weightloss mission, while looking for the best take-away food around.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

1/2 Rest Day

I've done 3 strength days in a row, and I was starting to feel some stress in the muscles, so it's time for a 1/2 day off today. I'll probably still head into the gym, and either do a spinning workout, or go walk somewhere (like the casino). I'll probably just do spinning.

I weighed in again at 85.8 kg this morning, which is all part of the steady, even weightloss progress. 4.2 kg down, 10.8 kg left to go. Of course, I won't be at all self-conscious after losing another 5 kg, which should be in 6 weeks. I hope some hotel still has a pool open by then.

I can't believe I'm only now realizing that chicken has 1/2 the calories of beef, by weight. Both have the same amount of protein, but beef contains a lot of fat. Of course, it depends which cut of beef you choose, but the better cuts of meat have the most fat. I'm starting to care, because I'd rather have chicken, and save the remaining calories for carbs like fruit, yogurt, or whole grains. I know the body needs fat, but I can also get it from nuts, or avocados, or something. I'm sure vegetable fats are much better for you than animal fats.


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